In the Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 18, Salman Khan reprimanded Karanvir Mehra. The atmosphere in the house became heated after Chum got injured during this week’s Ticket to Finale task. Vivian Dsena gave up her ticket after Chum got injured, following which some of the housemates, especially Shilpa Shirodkar, Karanvir Mehra and Shrutika, turned against Vivian.
Salman Khan targets Karanvir
On Saturday, Salman Khan asked sharp questions to Karanvir regarding the task and accused him of playing the woman card.
- Salman asked: “Who were you being great for?”
- He also alleged that Karanvir and his friends played the woman card to make Chum win.
- Karanvir rejected Salman’s allegations and tried to clarify his stand.
- During this time, displeasure was also expressed on social media when Avinash and Isha smiled.
Kamya Punjabi supported Karanvir
After Salman’s rebuke, voices started being raised in favor of Karanvir Mehra on social media.
- Kamya Punjabi tweeted in support of Karanvir:
“Proud of you for standing your stand, Karanvir.”
- Kamya’s tweet received a lot of support, with many users calling Karanvir a “true winner”.
Social media users’ reaction
There was anger among the fans due to Karanvir Mehra being scolded.
- One user wrote: “Thank you, Kamya, for speaking up for what is right. Karanvir deserves to win.”
- Said another: “It was a very disappointing episode. Karanvir was reprimanded unnecessarily. No one is impartial there.”
- Many users accused Salman Khan of bias:
- “It seems that Salman Khan himself is creating the narrative.”
- “Salman is hosting just for Isha and Avinash.”
Karanvir Mehra: Increasing support on social media
Karanvir Mehra is getting a large number of support from his fans and on social media.
- Fans say that Karanvir kept his stand firmly and raised questions on the lack of fairness in the show.
- Many viewers expressed displeasure over Salman’s hosting style and the partiality of the show.