Indian Railways has given a big good news to the poor and middle class passengers of the country. Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that 50 new Amrit Bharat trains will be manufactured in the next two years, which will be equipped with more facilities than the previous trains. He said 12 major improvements have been made in the second edition of Amrit Bharat train, including modular toilets, emergency brake system and advanced design.
While inspecting the Integral Coach Factory (ICF), the Railway Minister said that these trains will be manufactured keeping in mind the families of low income and lower middle income group. “Through these new trains, passengers will get affordable and high-quality service for long distance travel,” he said.
The second edition of Amrit Bharat trains will include features like semi-automatic ‘couplets’, newly designed seats, and ‘pantry cars’. Apart from this, these trains will also have provision of mobile charging points, water bottle storage space and comfortable seats.
The minister said that the Tamil Nadu government should keep serving the people above politics and the central government and its ministries are committed to the welfare of the people. “We need the support of the state government in land acquisition so that we can provide better facilities to the people,” he said.
The minister also said the Railways has installed ‘Kavach’ system in 10,000 locomotives to enhance safety and termed the rail connectivity project between Jammu and Srinagar as a ‘dream come true’. Regarding capital expenditure of Railways, he said that the Ministry has utilized 76 percent of the funds and the allocation for 2024 is historic.