Union Home Minister Amit Shah addressed the President’s conference in Delhi on Saturday. Targeting the Aam Aadmi Party government, Amit Shah said that the time has come to free Delhi from ‘AAP-Da’. 5th February is ‘Aap-Da’ Liberation Day. He said that BJP’s manifesto is set in stone.
‘5th February is the day of freedom from ‘AAP-Da’: Amit Shah
Amit Shah said that it is your responsibility to free Delhi from ‘AAP-Da’. We have prepared a list of all your needs and submitted it to BJP President JP Nadda and PM Modi. As soon as we win, we will solve all your problems.
He said, ‘Our manifesto will have all your needs and it will not be like your manifesto and it will be sought.’ You can be the savior of Delhi. 5th February is the day of freedom from ‘Aap-Da’.
‘The country has progressed but Delhi is waiting for development’: Amit Shah
The Home Minister said that ‘Arvind Kejriwal is ‘AP-Da’ for Delhi.’ He has deceived the people by promising to fight corruption while he himself is involved in corruption. He said that the country has made progress but Delhi is still waiting for development. The roads are full of potholes, the air is polluted, the water of Yamuna is polluted. Kejriwal has betrayed the people of Punjab and Delhi.
‘We do what we say’: Amit Shah
Amit Shah said that ‘people of Punjab are saying not to vote for him because he is a liar, traitor and corrupt.’ 5.25 lakh students are out of school in Delhi. What did Kejriwal do in 10 years? If they cannot serve the people then they should leave power. We will do it because they have not done it.
He said that ‘PM Modi has done infrastructure work worth Rs 68,000 crore in Delhi, but nothing can be done for you because it is Kejriwal’s responsibility.’ We built the temple after 550 years, removed it after 370. We do what we say. PM Modi gave houses to 3 crore 58 lakh people across India, but Kejriwal did nothing for Delhi. We will provide a permanent house to every slum dweller.