Anupam Kher often shares funny and interesting videos of his mother Dulari on social media. Recently he posted another lovely video, in which Kangana Ranaut reached her mother’s house to seek her blessings. Kangana’s upcoming film “Emergency” is scheduled to release on January 17, in which Anupam Kher is playing the role of Jayaprakash Narayan.
Anupam Kher’s special video: “Two strong women”
While sharing the video of this meeting, Anupam Kher gave it a special caption:
“Kangana and Dulari: Two strong women from the hills.”
He further wrote:
“A few days ago, Kangana suddenly decided that she wanted to take blessings from her mother. Mom didn’t get a chance to get ready, and I teased her a lot about this. But Dulari gave lots of love and blessings to Kangana. My beauty was also mentioned on this pretext.”
Anupam thanked Kangana and said that his mother was very happy to meet you. they wrote:
“You both are the biggest examples of women empowerment. I pray that ‘Emergency’ becomes a big successful film. Be victorious.”
Video glimpse: Anupam tried to tease his mother
In the video, Kangana Ranaut is seen sitting with Anupam’s mother Dulari.
- Anupam jokingly tells his mother, “I told you to wear nice clothes.”
- Dulari replies, “What is so bad?”
- Anupam laughs and says, “Not bad, but looking a little poor.”
- To this Kangana immediately replied, “Don’t call our mother like that.”
After this Kangana hugged Dulari and said, “You are looking very beautiful. My own mother also wears similar clothes.”
Dulari calls Kangana “the beauty of Shimla”
In the video, Anupam Kher asks his mother to bless Kangana so that her film is successful. On this Dulari said loving words to Kangana:
“This is the beauty of Shimla. You (Anupam) are the second one.”
Kangana told on this occasion that the DOP (Director of Photography) of her film “Emergency” is French, and while praising Anupam Kher, she said:
“I have never seen such a beautiful face anywhere. His face catches very good light.”
After this Dulari gave lots of blessings to Kangana.
Kangana and Anupam’s “Emergency”
Everyone is eagerly waiting for the film “Emergency” directed and starring Kangana Ranaut.
- Release date: 17 January.
- Anupam Kher’s character: Jaiprakash Narayan.
- This film is based on the events during the Emergency of India.