Mahakumbh is being organized with full grandeur and enthusiasm in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The state government is leaving no stone unturned to make this historic event a success. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath himself is monitoring the preparations and is visiting Prayagraj repeatedly. Along with the plans and arrangements of the administration regarding the organization of this Maha Kumbh, some controversial discussions also came to the fore. In particular, questions were raised regarding the entry of Muslims during the Kumbh, to which Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath openly answered.
Yogi Adityanath’s statement: Welcome to those who believe in Sanatan tradition
In an exclusive interview to ‘Aaj Tak’, when Yogi Adityanath was questioned on this issue, he clearly said that anyone who has faith in the Sanatan tradition and culture of India can participate in the Kumbh. However, he also said that those coming with the wrong mindset are warned. If anyone is found involved in inappropriate activities, action will be taken against him.
Yogi Adityanath, while giving his opinion on the presence of Muslims in Kumbh, said that people who consider themselves Indians and believe in Sanatan tradition are welcome. He also said that those who feel that their ancestors converted to Islam under some pressure, but consider themselves Sanatani, are welcome to Kumbh.
condition of following traditional customs
The Chief Minister also said that all the people coming to Prayagraj during Kumbh should take bath and worship in the Sangam in the traditional manner. He said that there is no objection to the coming of those whose mentality is in line with peace and culture. But if anyone tries to create a dispute at a religious place or assert rights over the land, then strict action will be taken against him. “Such people may have to face ‘denting-painting’,” he said.
Chief Minister’s dinner with saints
During the preparations for Mahakumbh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had dinner with saints and heads of Akharas. Juna, Niranjani, Udasin Bada, Nirmal, and many other prominent saints including all three Vaishnav Akharas (Nirmohi, Digambara, Nirvani) were present in this special feast.
Sadhus and saints welcomed the Chief Minister with Vedic chanting and showering of flowers. During this, the Chief Minister also presented gifts to the saints. This dinner event became a symbol of religious and cultural unity.
Importance of Mahakumbh and activism of Yogi Adityanath
Mahakumbh is not just a religious event, but a symbol of the great tradition of Indian culture. Yogi Adityanath’s active participation and his interaction with the saints shows that the government not only wants to make the event a success but also wants to present it on a global level.