Illegal money transfers from shell companies: The Enforcement Directorate raided 11 places. A scam worth Rs 10 thousand crores has been exposed. Jitendra Pandey, living in Thane, transferred Rs. 269 through 269 bank accounts. Rs 10 thousand crores have been transferred abroad. For this scam he created 98 fake companies and 12 private companies. He collected money in the name of these companies and transferred the amount abroad. The accused transferred this huge amount to the accounts of companies based in Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand.
ED had caught Jitendra Pandey for making such a big transaction in the name of cargo. On January 2, ED raided 11 locations in Mumbai, Thane and Varanasi. In which Rs. It was revealed that Rs 10 thousand crores were transferred. The agency also seized Rs 1 crore in cash and jewelery during the raid. Apart from this, some documents have also been found. In which a large amount of immovable property was found. Thane Police registered FIR against Jitendra Pandey and others. On the basis of which investigation is going on.
Created a network of fake companies
Jitendra Pandey, along with some people, created a network of more than 110 shell companies. He carried out the scam by opening 269 bank accounts in the name of these fake companies. Police have also arrested Jitendra Pandey and others. ED said that the investigation so far has revealed that this scam was done in the name of import and export of goods abroad. It is not known who collected such a huge amount and from where. It has also been revealed that Jitendra Pandey and his associates were helping some chartered accountants. There may be more shocking revelations in the coming days.