Bollywood’s beautiful actress Anushka Sharma is not only known for her glowing skin, but her silky and beautiful hair also attracts people’s attention. Anushka relies on one natural ingredient for her hair care, and that is banana. The zinc and magnesium present in bananas not only repair damaged hair, but can also help in getting rid of the problem of dandruff. If you are troubled by dandruff in your hair during winter season, then try this banana hair mask of Anushka Sharma.
Ingredients for Anushka Sharma’s Banana Hair Mask:
- 2 ripe bananas
- Half cup milk (or curd)
- 1-2 teaspoon honey
Method to make banana hair mask:
- First of all, mash two ripe bananas well with the help of a fork.
- Now add half a cup of milk or curd to this mashed banana and prepare a smooth paste. Milk contains lactic acid, which helps soothe itching in the head.
- Next, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the banana paste. The cleansing properties present in honey keep the scalp hydrated.
Method of applying hair mask:
- Apply this banana hair mask evenly from the roots to the ends of the hair.
- Leave it on the hair for about 40 minutes.
- After the stipulated time, wash the hair with mild shampoo and lukewarm water.
- Use this hair mask once a week for best results.
This banana hair mask will not only keep your hair healthy but will also provide relief from the problem of dandruff in winters.