35 year old female teacher Reshma Pandey committed suicide in Ghurehata village of Mauganj district of Madhya Pradesh. She remained under digital arrest for several days. Cyber thugs were calling her day and night and asking for money, finally under stress, Reshma took the last step. He was admitted to Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in Rewa district in critical condition, but he died during treatment.
After his death, the thugs kept calling his phone continuously. According to reports, Reshma was a guest teacher in the Government High School located in Panni, Mauganj. One day he got a call from a thug. It was told on the phone that a parcel had been received in his name, which contained suspicious items. After that, videos of people wearing police and army uniforms were sent on WhatsApp and he was threatened that an FIR would be registered against him.
Unable to bear the torture of the bullies, the teacher committed suicide
Reshma’s relative Vinod Pandey told that the scared Reshma had also transferred Rs 22 thousand. However, the swindlers did not agree and threatened that if he did not transfer another Rs 50,000, the police from the nearby police station would come to his house and arrest him. Reshma, under stress, transferred Rs 500 more on Monday afternoon and died shortly afterwards. Rewa police chief said that Reshma did not ask for help from the police and got trapped in the trap of thugs. The police have registered the case and the cyber team has been assigned the task of nabbing the accused.