Like Haryanvi dancer Sapna Choudhary, the fair-haired Nagori, popularly known as ‘Shakira’ of Rajasthan, is in high spirits these days. After coming as a contestant in ‘Bigg Boss 16’, the popularity of Gori Nagori has increased even more. Her dance videos often go viral on social media, and one of her recently shared videos is making waves among the fans.
set fire on stage
Gori Nagori recently shared a new dance video on her Instagram account.
- Video Location:
This video is from Ajmer, where he gave a live performance. - Rocking a desi look:
In the video, Gori is seen wearing lehenga-choli and doing tremendous moves on her superhit song ‘Gori Nache, Nagori Nache’. - Fans’ reaction:
- This video of his has received more than 25,000 reactions in 24 hours.
- Fans praised her expressions and dance style a lot.
Gori Nagori: ‘Shakira’ of Rajasthan
Gori Nagori is one of the most famous dancers of Rajasthan.
- Dance journey:
- He started dancing at the age of 9.
- His amazing dance moves and killer expressions gave him special recognition.
- Famous Name:
- In her city she is known as ‘Shakira’.
- Her dancing style has a modern touch with desi style, which fans like very much.
Popularity increased with ‘Bigg Boss 16’
With her entry in ‘Bigg Boss 16’, Gori Nagori won everyone’s hearts with her looks and talent.
- Performance with Salman Khan:
- As soon as he came on the stage of the show, he showed off his talent by dancing with Salman Khan.
- Short stay but big impression:
- Although she was soon eliminated from the show, her fan base increased drastically.
What do Ghori’s fans say?
Fans reacted fiercely after watching Gori Nagori’s dance video.
- Someone said, “Your dance moves win hearts.”
- So someone praised, “Glamorous style in desi look, super!”