According to astrologers, the month of January 2025 will prove to be a unique month of planetary movements and activities. An example of which was seen on January 4, when Venus and Mercury reversed their movements on the same day. On this date, Venus changed its constellation and entered Shatabhisha, while Mercury changed its zodiac sign and entered Dhan Rashi. Some such astronomical event is going to happen on 12th January before Makar Sankranti. On this date, Rahu and Mars will change their movements together.
These two important and influential planets are changing their constellation.
Both these important and influential planets are changing their constellation. According to Vedic astrology mathematical calculations, on Sunday, January 12, at 9.11 pm, when the shadow planet Rahu will enter the first house from the second house of Uttara Bhadrapada, Mars will transit in Punarvasu Nakshatra at 11.52 pm. Presently Mars is situated in Pushya Nakshatra, which it will revolve around on 28 October 2024.
Effect of Rahu-Mars transit on zodiac sign
On January 12, 2025, the constellations of Rahu and Mars will transit over all the zodiac signs, but this change in the movement of these two planets is likely to bring a very positive impact. This transit will bring positivity and success for people of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius zodiac signs. However, at the same time it is also important that you put efforts in the right direction and make proper plans to achieve your goals.
This time will prove to be a time of progress in your career. This transit will bring great success in the career and professional life of your zodiac sign. There is a possibility of getting new responsibilities. Increase in income will strengthen the economic situation. Businessmen will get opportunities to get back their stuck money. Your courage and confidence will increase, due to which you will be able to take big decisions.
There are signs of progress in career. You will get the fruits of your hard work. The transit of Rahu and Mars on January 12, 2025 will prove to be very auspicious for the people of Taurus zodiac. This time will bring positive changes in your life. This is the time to recognize your hard work and dedication. The economic situation will be strong, new sources of income may open. You can get good benefits from old investments or new schemes.