Wednesday , January 8 2025

These 5 things should never be kept with money in the home safe, expenses will increase

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Vastu Tips: Many solutions have been suggested in Vastu Shastra to make life happy and prosperous. If a person’s wealth suddenly starts decreasing then he should understand that he is becoming a victim of Vaastu defect. Today we are going to tell you about 5 such things which should never be kept with money.

Mirror should never be cracked or broken

1. Some people like to put glass in the treasure chest. According to Vastu Shastra, it is not wrong to do so. But it should be kept in mind that the mirror installed in the safe should never be broken or broken. This mirror should also be installed only when your safe faces south direction.

Free items should not be kept in the safe.

2. If you keep free things like electronic gadgets, makeup or jewelery in your safe along with money, then remove it. This is not your hard-earned money, hence keeping it in the safe is not considered auspicious. By doing this one has to face the displeasure of Goddess Lakshmi.

permanent disposal of ill-gotten wealth

3. According to Vastu Shastra, money earned through wrongdoing never lasts. Such money brings poverty and bad times into the house. Therefore, get rid of the money earned in this way as soon as possible, otherwise you may have to face bad consequences.

completely different from hard earned money

4. If you have earned any money by charging interest or by harassing the poor, then you should keep it completely separate from your hard-earned money. Money earned through immoral activities never bears fruit and takes away a person’s happiness. Therefore avoid it.

Never be short of hard earned money

5. According to Vastu Shastra, one should never keep a knife, gun or any other weapon from hard earned money. Keeping weapons like this brings violent thoughts in the mind. Due to which the entire clan gets destroyed in a short time. Mother Lakshmi also gets angry with this.