Rashifal 2025: Numerology According to our date of birth The numbers reveal our personality, future and direction of life. from 1 to 9 radix number Have a deep impact on our lives. In the new year 2025, some special possibilities are being created for the people of every radix number in various aspects of life – such as health, career, marital life, and financial situation.
Come, let us know how this year will be for the radix numbers from 1 to 9.
Horoscope of Radix 1 to 9 2025
Radix 1, 2, 3, and 7
- Career and Success:
- This year will be good for people associated with politics, IT, media, medical and management fields. extremely successful Will remain.
- You may get promotion and new opportunities in the job.
- personal life:
- There will be infusion of new energy and enthusiasm in life.
Radix 4, 5, 6, and 8
- Benefits and Advancement:
- There will be new opportunities in career and business.
- The economic situation will improve.
Radix 9
- This year is especially good for people with number 9. beneficial Will remain. There are signs of progress and prosperity in every area of life.
health forecast
From the health point of view, 2025 will be a mixed year for people of different radix numbers.
Radixes 1, 3, and 5:
- Eye diseases:
- Be cautious about eye-related problems in February and September.
- Stomach and sugar related problems:
- These can be avoided by improving lifestyle and regular exercise.
Radix 6, 5, and 8:
- Tues, June, and November:
- You may have to face health problems in these months.
- Pay attention to regular checkups and balanced diet.
Radix 2, 4, 7, and 9:
- It is advised to take special caution throughout the year.
Career and business
In 2025, new opportunities are being created for every element in the field of career and business.
Signs of success:
- Radixes 1, 2, 4, 6, and 9:
- This year will be very favorable for people associated with the fields of film, IT, banking and management.
- There may be opportunities for foreign travel and new jobs.
- Radix 3, 5, 7, and 8:
- You will get a better position with promotion in the job.
- This year will bring success and new dimensions for students.
marital and love life
The year 2025 will bring happy results in love and marital life for all the people of this number.
Love Life:
- Love affairs will get strengthened.
- Spouses of people with birth numbers 06 and 08 may have to face health related problems till March.
- After 15th February There are strong chances of love relationship turning into marriage.
- september:
- Love life will be especially auspicious for all Radix people.
Married Life:
- People of all radix numbers will have a happy married life.
economic life
Economic prospects:
- Radix 1, 6, 4, and 9:
- This year will be especially auspicious for business and financial gains.
- The economic situation will improve after March.
- Combination of purchasing land and vehicle:
- There are auspicious signs for people of all radix numbers to buy property or vehicle this year.
- There is a possibility of creation of new sources of income.
Auspicious time and planet yoga
Auspicious time:
- Radix 1:
- The time from 9th February to 9th September will be very favourable.
- Other primes (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9):
- The months of January, March, June, and September to December are giving auspicious signs.
Remedy: To make life pleasant and successful
In numerology, taking measures to please the planets is very beneficial.
Solution for all radicals:
- Worship of Hanumanji:
- Recite Sunderkand every Tuesday.
- Worship of Shri Ganesh ji:
- Worship Lord Ganesha daily.
- Feed jaggery to the cow:
- Adopt it regularly.
- Rudrabhishek:
- Anoint Shivling with curd, honey and Ganga water.
- Serve Parents:
- Due to this, the influence of planets is positive.
- Tree Plantation:
- Contribute to the environment.
These measures will bring positivity and happiness and prosperity in life.