Maharashtra CM Race: Maharashtra’s acting Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has refused to take part in the government. According to sources, Shinde is not ready to take the post of Deputy CM. But he can make any other party leader as Deputy CM. Eknath Shinde held a meeting with Home Minister Amit Shah yesterday and gave a positive statement, but there are reports that the controversy has flared up again due to the cancellation of the meeting on this issue in Mumbai.
Shinde had asked for this post
According to media reports, Shinde has sought the post of Speaker in the Assembly and apart from the Home Ministry, he has also sought the responsibility of the Urban Development Department. Shinde is continuously giving statements claiming that he is with BJP. But internal strife has been seen.
BJP wants to make Shinde Deputy CM?
According to people who understand the politics of Maharashtra, the Bharatiya Janata Party wants to include Shinde as Deputy CM in the core team of its government to give a message of unity to the people of the state. However, Shiv Sena leaders have said that they will follow the choice of PM Narendra Modi and Shah. But Shinde has clearly refused to take this post.
Ajit Pawar can be sidelined if Shinde supports him
BJP also wants that the people of Mahavikas Aghadi should not create any new controversy on this important issue, hence BJP leaders are continuously convincing Shinde to accept the post of Deputy CM. On this decision, another source believes that if Shinde continues to support BJP like a true brother, then BJP will not need to look towards Ajit Pawar again and again.