Morbi: Aadhar card has become mandatory to avail the benefits of all the schemes of the Central and State Government. Aadhaar card has been made mandatory for children to enroll themselves in school or open a bank account or avail scholarships. Due to this, for the last few days, there has been a rush of applicants across Saurashtra to correct the name in the Aadhaar card and get a new Aadhaar card made. Especially the applicants coming to Aadhaar centers in Morbi are facing a lot of problems.
Aadhaar card updating work is going on at 10 places in Morbi city including Taluka Panchayat office, post office and Mamlatdar office. In the bitter cold of winter, applicants start lining up outside the Aadhaar centers as early as 5 in the morning. Despite this, there are complaints that their work is not being done.
Kokilaben, the applicant who had come to get her Aadhaar card amended, expressed her anger and said that for the last 4 days, I have been standing in the queue here at 6 in the morning without drinking tea. Here 10 to 20 tokens are collected every day and asked to come the next day.
Therefore, the next day also we leave all the household work early in the morning and come here and stand in line. We work in a factory to earn a living, so we have to work hard to get here. But our turn has not been coming for four days. I just want to change my mobile number, whereas my son wants to change his Aadhar card. However, this has not happened yet.
Similarly, there was a rush of applicants at the Aadhaar centers in Rajkot for the last one month. Due to operator shortage and server failure, operations were halted and applicants were pushed to the next day. Due to this, Aadhaar centers were started in all three zones by Rajkot Municipal Corporation. Not only this, the suspended operators were reinstated and put on duty.