Mumbai: Instead of ending, the dispute between Dhanush and Nayanthara is increasing day by day. Now Dhanush has filed a case against Nayanthara and Vijnosh. It so happened that Nayanthara’s documentary was recently released on Netflix. In which a 3-second clip of a film of Dhanush was shown. Dhanush gave an ultimatum to Netflix to remove the clip, which angered Nayanthara. Now the update regarding the dispute between the two is that Dhanush has approached the Madras High Court and filed a case against Nayanthara and her director husband Vijnosh Sivan.
Dhanush’s Raja Wunderbar Films Pvt Ltd has filed a civil case in the Madras High Court against Nayanthara and Vignesh Sivan, their Rowdy Kichaks Pvt Ltd and two others. In which he has accused the documentary of using scenes from his film without his permission.
Nayanthara’s documentary was released on Netflix on November 18, after which the dispute between them is increasing day by day. Nayanthara shared a long post and told that Dhanush had demanded Rs 10 crore for using a 3-second video in the documentary. Dhanush gave 24 hours time to Netflix and asked him to remove the clip. And threatened to register a case if he did not do so.