Benefits of a handful of almonds: Nowadays people have become more conscious about their health than ever before. People who are concerned about their health leave no stone unturned in improving their lifestyle and eating habits. Our elders have always said that eating dry fruits is very beneficial for health. Almonds are definitely included in this list, which we can eat dry or soaked. Let us know from nutritionist Nikhil Vats what will be the effect on our health if we eat a handful of almonds every day.
Benefits of eating a handful of almonds daily
Known as a 'superfood', almonds have many benefits as they contain vitamin E, folate, fiber, protein and minerals, which are essential for health. Additionally, almonds contain monosaccharides, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.
If you keep a handful of almonds with you and consume them, it will strengthen your brain because these dry fruits contain some elements that help in improving the functioning of the brain. This can improve your thinking ability and mental health.
3. You will get plenty of energy
If you work all day long and are not able to take care of your health, then consuming a handful of almonds daily can prove to be very beneficial for you. It can increase your energy and reduce fatigue.
Keep this in mind
There is no doubt that almonds are very beneficial for our health but they should not be eaten in large quantities otherwise it may have side effects. The fat present in almonds can increase obesity. If it is consumed in excess in summer, it can cause harm. Therefore, it would be better if you eat only a handful of almonds every day.