Namo Bharat Train: Namo Bharat train will soon start operating on the Delhi-Meerut corridor. For this, its trial run has started between Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar in Delhi. The target is to start operating this train on the 82 km long Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS corridor by June next year. With this, it will be possible to travel from Delhi to Meerut in less than an hour.
Presently NaMo Bharat train runs on a 42 km section from Sahibabad station to Meerut South of the Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS). With the running of Namo Bharat train from Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar, the length of the RRTS operated section will increase to 54 kilometers, which will have 11 stations. There are three RRTS stations in Delhi – New Ashok Nagar, Anand Vihar and Sarai Kale Khan.
The train will be run manually
The trial run began on Saturday in the presence of National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC) Managing Director Shalabh Goyal and other senior officials. The train was started manually to check the civil structure.
Track, signalling, platform screen door (PSD) and overhead power supply etc. will also be examined. Other tests, including the high-speed test of the train, will be completed in the next few months.
Important facts related to Namo train
- Length of this section from Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar: Approximately 12 km
- Anand Vihar and New Ashok Nagar are two RRTS stations.
- Anand Vihar RRTS station will be the most crowded station. This station will connect two metro lines (Blue and Pink), Anand Vihar Railway Station and two ISBTs of Delhi and Kaushambi (Uttar Pradesh). It is being developed as a model of multi-modal integration.
- New Ashok Nagar Metro Station is located less than 100 meters away from New Ashok Nagar RRTS Station. Both will be connected by a foot over bridge (FOB). There will be two FOBs to reach the RRTS station, from Chilla Village and Mayur Vihar Extension and from near the ancient Shiva temple.