Newly appointed Chief Minister of Delhi Atishi took charge on Monday. Atishi took charge as the eighth Chief Minister of Delhi today. The most surprising aspect of her taking charge was that she chose a new chair to sit on. She will not sit on Arvind Kejriwal's chair. She has kept that chair vacant for Kejriwal.
He said, “Today I have assumed the post of Chief Minister of Delhi. Today I have the same pain in my heart as Bharatji had. Just like Bharatji assumed the throne by touching the feet of Lord Shri Ram, I will assume the CM's chair for the next 4 months.” He said that Arvind Kejriwal has set an example of self-respect and morality in politics.
Chief Minister Atishi said that it is expected that the people of Delhi will return Arvind Kejriwal to power in the proposed elections in February, till then his seat will remain on the post of Chief Minister. She said that the vacant chair will wait for Kejriwal. After the assembly elections, he will once again sit on this chair.