Blood group: Blood is often required after hospitalization. Patients need blood in most fatal diseases. This is the reason why the culture of blood banks is increasing nowadays. The culture of blood donation is increasing nowadays. For this, various types of campaigns are being run these days. Scientists have made a major discovery in this field. Scientists have discovered a new blood group. This will help a lot in treatment.
associated with blood group antigens
Scientists have discovered a new blood group. Named MAL. This research has revealed that a 50-year-old mystery related to blood groups has been solved. This mystery was related to the AnWj blood group antigen. AnWj was discovered in 1972. The reason for its formation is not yet known.
Good news for rare patients
This is going to be of great benefit to rare patients. This is the AnWj antigen. Now scientists have said that they have created a genetic test. This will identify the patients and provide better treatment and blood transfusion facilities.
NHS Blood Transplant (NHSBT) helps around 400 patients worldwide every year. This research proves to be very beneficial. NHSBT will provide testing kits to many countries.
Due to this discovery, complications related to blood transfusion can be reduced. Proteins found in red blood cells determine the blood group. Lack of these proteins causes many serious problems in the blood.
Importance of research
Scientists who discovered the new blood type say it has made it easier to find patients with this rare blood and blood donors.