A stampede broke out in Tirupati temple of Andhra Pradesh late on Wednesday night. In which 6 people have died so far. Also many people have been seriously injured. After the incident, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD) board member Bhanu Prakash Reddy said, we apologize to all the devotees.
Administration’s negligence- TTD Chairman
TTD Chairman BR Naidu admitted that the stampede at Tirupati temple was due to the negligence of the administration. The special thing is that on Wednesday night a huge crowd had gathered in Tirupati temple for Ekadashi darshan. Whenever devotees come to the temple, everyone wants to have darshan, due to which people stand in long queues to get the token to have darshan in the temple.
They stood in line to get tokens
According to the information, around 4000 people were standing in the queue to collect tokens and only 91 counters were set up to issue tokens. Within no time the crowd became uncontrolled and a stampede broke out. Women, old people, everyone was included in this crowd. People were instructed to go to Pattida Park and a stampede broke out while going to Pattida. People climbed on each other and 6 people died.
TTDA apologized
Regarding this, TTD Board member Bhanu Prakash Reddy said that, tokens are being distributed for Ekadashi darshan in the temple, for this we have opened 91 counters. It is very sad that the escape happened. In this stampede, 6 people died and 40 people were injured. We are providing medical facilities to everyone. He further said that such an incident has never happened in the history of TTD. I apologize to all the devotees.
Chief Minister will go to meet the injured
According to the information, Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu will visit the injured this morning. CM Chandrababu Naidu has expressed grief after this accident. He posted on his social media handle X saying that he is shocked by this accident. Keeping in view the critical condition of some of them, I have directed senior officers to reach the spot so that better medical facilities can be provided to the injured. I am talking to the district and TTD officials from time to time and am gaining control over the situation.