Godda, 26 November (Hindustan Reporter). Under the Adani Annapurna program, a two-day training program was organized on Tuesday at Dumariya Panchayat Bhawan on the production of vermicompost and benefits of organic farming. Apart from representatives of the Foundation, representatives of Gram Panchayats of Motia and Dumariya, more than 50 farmers participated in the program.
The program was inaugurated with the lighting of the lamp. After this, the importance of Adani Annapurna program along with the framework of village development was discussed. Several key issues related to rural livelihoods were also discussed.
Starting the training session, chief representative Tilak Jha and Adani Foundation officer Santosh Singh gave detailed information on organic farming, method of vermi composting and its importance. He trained the farmers in depth on the preparation, uses of vermi composting and its benefits. Apart from this, the formation of Farmer Producer Union and its role was highlighted. He shared information on topics like increasing the income of farmers, taking agricultural products to the market, use of better quality seeds, management of all methods of farming including organic fertilizers, poultry farming, fish farming, vegetable production, etc.
At the end of the training program, names of farmers interested in vermi composting were recorded. Farmers appreciated this initiative of Adani Foundation for community development and pledged to adopt it in their farms.