Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh said the suspects involved in looting the property of ministers and MLAs during the protests on November 16 have been identified and legal action has been initiated.
The violence that broke out in Manipur in May last year has not stopped yet. Recently, the houses of many ministers and MLAs were burnt, due to which the people here are living in fear. However, the police is taking strict action. They have arrested seven more people for damaging the residences of MLAs in Imphal Valley on November 16. Let us tell you that these arrests have been made in the last two days.
Arrests were made in these districts
Police said three people were arrested from Kakching district on Friday. Meanwhile, Imphal West District Police arrested four people on Saturday. With these arrests, the number of people arrested for setting fire to houses of elected members has increased to 41.
Those who looted property identified: CM
Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Friday said the suspects involved in looting the property of ministers and MLAs during the protests on November 16 have been identified and legal action has been initiated. He further said, ‘In the name of democratic movement, some gangs looted and burnt the houses of ministers and MLAs. The suspects have been identified through CCTV and appropriate legal action has been initiated. I feel ashamed to say publicly that such incidents are happening in Manipur.