Today, 27 December 2024, is the Dwadashi date of Krishna Paksha of Pausha month. This Tithi will last till 02:27 AM, after which Trayodashi Tithi will start. Moon will be in Libra today and will be influenced by Swati Nakshatra. Along with this, there is a combination of Dhriti Yoga.
Auspicious and inauspicious time of the day
- Abhijeet Muhurat:
Morning at 12:01 to noon at 12:42 till. - Rahukaal:
Avoid doing auspicious work.- Delhi: Morning at 11:04 to noon at 12:22 till.
- Mumbai: Morning at 11:17 to noon at 12:39 till.
- Chandigarh: Morning at 11:07 to noon at 12:23 till.
- Lucknow: Morning at 10:48 to noon at 12:07 till.
- Bhopal: Morning at 11:00 to noon at 12:21 till.
- Kolkata: Morning at 10:16 from morning at 11:37 pm till.
- Ahmedabad: Morning at 11:19 to noon at 12:40 till.
- Chennai: Morning at 10:44 to noon at 12:10 till.
27 December 2024: Auspicious time and time
auspicious time | Time |
Paush Krishna Dwadashi Tithi | Night at 02:27 till. |
Trayodashi Tithi starts | Night at 02:28 From. |
Vishakha Nakshatra | Night at 08:29 till. |
Dhriti Yoga | Night at 10:37 till. |
immortality period | Morning at 06:06 From at 07:42 till. |
twilight time | Evening at 06:23 From at 07:25 till. |
Vijay Muhurta | Afternoon at 02:23 From at 03:25 till. |
Nishith Muhurat | Night at 11:41 am From at 12:20 till. |
wee hours | Morning at 04:03 From at 05:08 till. |
sunrise and sunset time
- Sunrise: Morning At 07:12.
- sunset: Evening At 05:32.
importance of almanac
hindu almanacalso called Vedic calendar, is a means of accurate calculation of time and period. It is made up of five main elements:
- date
- constellation
- wise
- sum
- Karan
Through Panchang, information about auspicious time, Rahukaal, time of sunrise and sunset, position of Moon and Sun, Hindu month and Paksha is obtained.
Why is December 27, 2024 a special day?
- Dhriti Yoga And Swati Nakshatra The combination of provides positive energy.
- Take advantage of the auspicious time to start any religious work, investment, or new work.
- Avoid any auspicious work during Rahukaal.