Yogi Government: BJP's ally National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is opening a front against the order to put up name boards of the owners on hotels, restaurants, dhabas, fruit and other food shops on the Kavad Yatra route during the month of Shravan in Uttar Pradesh. On Thursday, Nitish Kumar's party Janata Dal United (JDU) demanded a review of this order, while on Friday, Jayant Chaudhary's party Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD), influential in western Uttar Pradesh, demanded the withdrawal of this order.
First, Muzaffarnagar police gave this order to the shops of Kavad Yatra, after which the police gave similar orders to shopkeepers in Shamli and Saharanpur. After protests from Samajwadi Party (SP) president Akhilesh Yadav, Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president Mayawati, All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) president Asaduddin Owaisi and other opposition leaders, Muzaffarnagar police clarified on Thursday that the order was not valid but on Friday, CM Yogi Adityanath has ordered shopkeepers across UP to put their names on the Kavad route.
RLD state president Ramashish Rai tweeted on Twitter that the Uttar Pradesh government's order to shopkeepers to write their name and religion on their shops is a step to promote caste and sectarianism. The RLD leader has called it an unconstitutional decision and demanded its withdrawal from the system. Jayant Chaudhary's party does not have many MPs but it is the only ally of BJP in western UP. Muslims have been getting a place in the politics of Jayant Chaudhary's party. Therefore, the statement of its state president expresses the anger spreading among the minorities of the area due to this order.
JDU spokesperson KC Tyagi belongs to western UP. He said on Thursday that no such order should be issued which creates communal division. Referring to the Muslims of Muzaffarnagar, Tyagi said that these people have always been at the forefront in serving and helping the Kavadias. Tyagi demanded the government to review the order.