Mistakes in making roti: Some rules have been made regarding kitchen in Hindu religion. Goddess Lakshmi resides in the kitchen. If these rules are followed then Goddess Lakshmi is pleased and there is no shortage of money in the house. If some mistakes are made in the kitchen, one has to face financial problems also.
Especially the mistake made while making roti can increase financial problems. This mistake made while making roti can increase financial problems in life! Mother Lakshmi gets angry due to this mistake. Valan and Patli, which are used daily in the kitchen, have been given great importance in astrology. Therefore, it is important to keep some things in mind while using it.
sound of sheaf while weaving bread
Often, while making roti quickly, the sound of the plate is heard. Sometimes the sound comes due to the plate not being correct. According to astrology, it is inauspicious to hear the sound of a crow while weaving roti. If Velan and Patli make continuous noise while weaving roti then it is a sign of financial loss. Therefore, while making roti, always keep a cloth under the plate so that there is no sound.
Usually bread rolls are brown or white in color. But some people use fancy plates. According to astrology, black clothes and velvet should not be used in the kitchen. Black colored plate and Velan gives Saturn defect and increases bad luck.