Weekly horoscope for the second week of December 2024
This week of 9 to 15 December 2024 will witness many changes and coincidences of planets and stars. Mercury will rise in Scorpio on December 11. Mars will be in retrograde position in its lowest sign Cancer. Venus will be in Capricorn and Saturn will be in Aquarius. Due to these changes, this week will prove to be fortunate for some zodiac signs. Many people may get sudden monetary gains and career advancement opportunities. Let us know the weekly horoscope of all 12 zodiac signs.
Aries Weekly Horoscope
This week you will be full of energy and confidence. You may get new opportunities in your career.
- Career and Financial Status: Your hard work will bear fruit, but avoid taking hasty decisions.
- family life: There is a need to maintain harmony in personal life.
- Suggestion: Control expenses and move forward with positive thinking.
Taurus Weekly Horoscope
This week is about working with patience and restraint.
- career: Focus on teamwork and complete projects with the help of colleagues.
- Economic situation: Avoid big investments and stick to the budget.
- family life: Resolve family tensions wisely.
- Suggestion: Maintain self-control and resolve difficulties peacefully.
Gemini Weekly Horoscope
This week your communication skills will progress in your career.
- career: You will benefit from meeting new people and networking.
- Economic situation: Financial stability will be maintained, but avoid unnecessary expenses.
- Travel: There are chances of travelling.
- Suggestion: Have confidence in your abilities and avoid wasteful expenditure.
Cancer Weekly Horoscope
This week will be a mix of challenges and opportunities for people of Cancer zodiac sign.
- career: Creativity and adaptability in the workplace will solve problems.
- Economic situation: Take decisions wisely and avoid unnecessary expenditure.
- family life: Focus on domestic matters and spend time with family.
- Suggestion: Be patient and solve challenges with a positive attitude.
Leo weekly horoscope
This week is a time of career success for people of Leo zodiac sign.
- career: Your efforts will be appreciated and there are chances of promotion.
- Economic situation: Financial position will be strong, but be cautious while investing.
- relations: Maintain honesty in relationships.
- Suggestion: Face every challenge with patience and hard work.
Virgo Weekly Horoscope
This week is all about discipline and planned work for the people of Virgo zodiac sign.
- career: Completing work on time will bring you success.
- Economic situation: Avoid risky investments and focus on money management.
- Health: Adopt regular routine and take care of health.
- Suggestion: Set your priorities wisely.
Libra weekly horoscope
This week will be positive for people of Libra zodiac.
- career: With your leadership skills, you will get praise in the workplace.
- Economic situation: There are signs of financial improvement, but keep expenses under control.
- Creativity: Concentrate on creative work and achieve mental peace.
- Suggestion: Maintain balance in relationships and respect the feelings of others.
Scorpio weekly horoscope
For people of Scorpio zodiac, this week is the time of progress in career and financial matters.
- career: Your hard work and determination will bring success.
- Economic situation: There are chances of sudden financial gain.
- family life: Handle personal life with patience and understanding.
- Suggestion: Pay attention to expenses and give priority to work.
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
This week will bring new beginnings and opportunities for Sagittarius people.
- career: You will get a chance to work on new projects.
- Economic situation: Financial situation will improve, but avoid wasteful expenditure.
- family life: Spending time with friends and family will keep your mind happy.
- Suggestion: Maintain a positive outlook in life.
Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
This week is of hard work and discipline for the people of Capricorn.
- career: This is the right time to complete the pending tasks.
- Economic situation: You will get big benefits by paying attention to small things.
- family life: Spend time with family and maintain balance.
- Suggestion: Maintain discipline and take advantage of opportunities.
Aquarius weekly horoscope
This week is of creativity for the people of Aquarius zodiac sign.
- career: There will be opportunities to work on new projects.
- Economic situation: Financial stability will be maintained, but avoid big purchases.
- family life: Enjoy spending time with friends and colleagues.
- Suggestion: Apply your ideas practically.
Pisces weekly horoscope
For Pisces people, this is a week of introspection and planning.
- career: Use your creativity and perform better.
- Economic situation: Exercise patience and avoid big investments.
- Health: Take care of physical and mental health.
- Suggestion: Introspect and focus on your goals.