Team India's star batsman Virat Kohli and former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Tejashwi Yadav have a cricket connection that very few people know about. This connection has now been revealed by Tejashwi Yadav himself. Almost everyone knows that Tejashwi Yadav was a cricketer before joining politics and has also participated in IPL. Tejashwi has revealed that when he used to play cricket, Virat Kohli also once played under his captaincy.
When Tejashwi Yadav's father and former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Yadav was the Railway Minister in the Central Government, Tejashwi's cricket career also started at the same time. After this, Tejashwi Yadav stepped into Delhi cricket and then in 2008, he was a part of the Delhi Daredevils team in the first season of IPL. However, his cricket career ended in 2010 and he entered politics.
Tejaswi became the captain of Virat
34-year-old Tejashwi, while talking about his cricket career in a recent interview, said that no one talks about the fact that he was also a cricketer. After this, Tejashwi talked about his relationship with Kohli and said that he was also Kohli's captain during Delhi cricket days. Actually, both of them played cricket together in Delhi's Under-15 and Under-19 teams and Tejashwi also captained the team for some time. Tejashwi shared a 10-year-old photo of himself with Virat and told about this by tweeting.
Because of this I had to leave cricket.
However, Tejaswi neither got a chance to play a single match in the IPL nor did he get a chance in Delhi's senior cricket team. After this, he joined Jharkhand Cricket Association and for this he played a total of 7 matches in all three formats, in which only 37 runs came from his bat. Tejaswi said that his cricket career could not progress because he kept getting frequent injuries in the ligaments of both his knees and then he had to quit cricket. He played his last match in 2010, in which he scored 5 runs and took 1 wicket.
Tejashwi's political career
Since leaving cricket, Tejashwi has been active in Bihar politics and has emerged as the biggest leader of the party after father Lalu and mother Rabri Devi. During this period, he also became the youngest Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and the youngest Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly. Assembly elections are due in Bihar next year, where he will again lead his party.