The Gujarat government has declared 16 villages in five districts as smart villages with the developmental vision of making one village per taluka as smart village in the state. These villages are selected villages under the Smart Village Incentive Scheme of the state government.
This smart village includes 6 villages of Raidi, Thanagalol, Veernagar, Anandpara (New), Satapara and Lodhika of Rajkot district, five villages of Chorwadi, Samdhiyala, Dhandhusar, Matiana and Balagam of Junagadh district, three villages of Peepar, Wakiya, Sidsar. . of Jamnagar and Atala, a village in Botad district. And Mahuwar, a village in Navsari district of south Gujarat, has been included in the total of 16 villages.
Gram Panchayat will be given a prize money of Rs 5 lakh for the overall development of these villages selected in the Smart Village Incentive Scheme. Not only this, this prize money will be part of self-financing for the development works of the villages.
In the Smart Village Scheme, the criteria set for selection of such smart villages aims at implementing advanced technology in the village, improving the quality of life of the villagers while maintaining the rural lifestyle and improving economic, social and infrastructural facilities. Have to provide. Environmental value of the village.
It is also intended to develop such smart village as a model village of good governance and act as a working laboratory for other villages.
The criteria for selection of such a smart village are that the village should be road connected, very close to the road, the village should be on a state highway as far as possible, basic amenities should include metalled roads and drainage system, street lights and complete amenities. Be. Sanitation and population of the village is between 2000 to 6000. Those criteria are taken into consideration.
The villages with these standards have completed 11 standards. These include (1) Nice village garden (2) Mandatory door-to-door collection (3) Drinking water tap connection in every house (4) Panchayat tax collection (5) No potholes on roads and regular cleaning of roads (6) Smart e-Village Center facility (7) Solar roof on Gram Panchayat office (8) Open defecation free villages (9) Regularity of light bill payment by Gram Panchayat (10) Water drainage in the village (11) Paved roads of the village etc. Are included.
The year 2022-23 was considered as the base year for filling the prescribed forms for participating in the competition by the Gram Panchayats fulfilling the 11 criteria.
Before selecting such villages, the Taluka level committee conducted a preliminary investigation on the basis of the form filled by the Gram Panchayat and gave marks accordingly and sent the proposal to the District level committee.
On the basis of this form, smart villages have been selected by the district level committee on the basis of merit. Gram Panchayats scoring 90 per cent marks are released only after third party verification.
After completion of this entire implementation process, one Gram Panchayat per Taluka has been declared as Smart Village on the basis of maximum marks among those Gram Panchayats which have obtained minimum 90 marks.