LPG gas cylinder is used for cooking in almost every household. Due to inflation, news of its price hike keeps coming every day. When the gas cylinder does not last even for a month, people's tension increases. If you are also suffering from this problem, then these solutions can prove to be very useful for you.
Using a Pressure Cooker
Cooking in a pressure cooker is easy and also saves gas. In such a situation, if you use a pressure cooker while cooking, it will not only save your time but will also save gas.
Cook food covered
People often say that cooking covered does not destroy nutrients and hence this method is considered beneficial for health. Another advantage of this is that your food gets cooked quickly and gas is saved.
do this while cooking
While cooking one must know smart cooking hacks like preparing the food before using the gas.
Do not keep wet utensils on the gas
In a hurry to cook food, people put wet utensils on the gas stove, which does not take much time for the water to dry but gas is definitely wasted. Therefore, to reduce gas consumption, utensils should be dried first with a cotton cloth.
Keeping Gas Stove Burners Clean
By doing this the flame of the gas stove remains strong. This will cook the food faster and reduce the consumption of LPG.
How to identify the expiry date of LPG gas cylinder?
When buying a cylinder, apart from checking its weight or leakage, this number should also be checked, otherwise alarm bells may ring.
Actually, there is a special code on the LPG gas cylinder which you should pay attention to. Talking about the meaning of this code, it tells the expiry date of the gas cylinder. For example, A, B, C and D written on the LPG gas cylinder are for 12 months of the year while this number tells how long the cylinder is valid for use.
A means January, February and March, B means April, May and June, C means July, August and September, C means October, November and December.
If you do not pay attention to this expiry date and use it continuously then your cylinder may explode, so be careful and keep these things in mind while buying a gas cylinder.