Friday , March 7 2025

Sharia does not ban women from going to the mosque



Bareilly, July 31 (HS). On the Telangana High Court's decision to allow Muslim women to enter mosques and the Uttar Pradesh government's decision to shut down some madrasas, All India Muslim Jamaat's national president Maulana Mufti Shahabuddin Razvi Barelvi said that Shariat has not banned Muslim women from entering mosques to offer namaz. The Telangana High Court's decision is absolutely correct.

In the times of the Prophet of Islam, women used to come to the mosque to offer namaz. When the successor of the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Umar Farooq, became the head of the Islamic government, many complaints started coming in his time and evils started increasing. Then, in view of these circumstances, Hazrat Umar Farooq, after deliberation, decided that women should offer namaz in their homes. They will get the same reward for offering namaz at home as they get by offering namaz in the mosque. After that, women started offering namaz in their homes. This tradition has been going on from that time till now. The intention of Hazrat Umar Farooq's decision was to end strife and violence, in which he was successful.

Maulana said that the Uttar Pradesh government wants to close down unrecognised madrasas. If these thousands of madrasas are closed, lakhs of children will be affected. The constitution has allowed minorities to work in the field of education and to open and run teacher institutions. If these madrasas are closed, it will be a blatant violation of the constitution. Therefore, the state government should make arrangements to recognise these madrasas, this will assure the minority community.
