There was a time when during Ranbir Kapoor's debut, Shahrukh Khan's film 'Om Shanti Om' was facing his film 'Saawariya'. At that time Shahrukh's film had won. Now after 19 years, i.e. in the year 2026, the same thing is going to happen once again on the occasion of Eid. Once again the films of both the actors are going to clash. Recently the release date of Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film 'Love and War' has been announced, which is 20 March 2026. Shahrukh's film 'King' is also going to be released. It is being said that this film will also be released on Eid 2026.
In the coming time, the clash of big films will make this festival even more special. Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal will be seen in 'Love and War', on the other hand, Shahrukh and his daughter Suhana will be seen together for the first time in 'King'. But the shooting of both the films has not started yet. But the news is that the shooting of both the films will start in the early months of next year.
Suhana Khan is debuting with 'King'
The father-daughter duo will be seen for the first time in 'King'. Shahrukh is going to play the role of Suhana's guru. This is Suhana's debut film. This action thriller film is being directed by Sujoy Ghosh. Abhishek Bachchan will be seen in the role of villain along with Shahrukh and Suhana in 'King'. Some scenes of the film will be shot in Mumbai and most of the scenes will be shot at stunning locations in Europe. 'Pathan' director Siddharth Anand is also associated with this film. He is producing this film in collaboration with Shahrukh's company Red Chillies. His production company is Marflix Pictures.
Abhay Verma will also be seen in the film
The name of 'Munjya' fame actor Abhay Verma is also being discussed regarding this film. It is being said that he will also be seen in this film. Shahrukh's last film released on the occasion of Eid was 'Chennai Express', which was released in the year 2013. The film earned Rs 422 crore worldwide.
These three will be seen together for the first time
Vicky Kaushal and Alia were seen together in 'Raazi', Alia-Ranbir in 'Brahmastra' and Vicky-Ranbir in 'Sanju', but the three were never seen together in any film. This is the first film in which all three will be seen together. Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Ranbir Kapoor are working together for the second time through 'Love and War'. Earlier, both of them worked together in 'Saawariya'. Talking about Alia, she worked with Sanjay Leela Bhansali in 'Gangubai Kathiawadi' in the year 2022. It will be very interesting to see all three stars on one screen. This film is a love triangle.