Salman Khan firing case: The news of firing outside Salman Khan's Galaxy apartment shook everyone. The Maharashtra Chief Minister spoke to the actor over phone and later met him. He also assured the actor of security and asked to arrest the accused as soon as possible.
A day after the shooting, the accused were caught by the Crime Branch team. Now the Crime Branch has made another big revelation about the two arrested shooters.
Dozens of crime branch teams were deployed to catch both the shooters. After this both of them were arrested from Bhuj in Gujarat. After identifying the bike, CCTV footage was examined. However, catching these shooters was not so easy. The Crime Branch told how and from where both were caught.
Let us tell you that the Crime Branch team had reached the temple in the guise of devotees and wearing normal clothes. So that these shooters named Sagar and Vicky do not doubt that the police has reached there to arrest them. After this the team found both the shooters sleeping in a corner near the temple.
After this the police raided and arrested both of them. The crime branch has also revealed that the intention of both of them was to kill Salman Khan. Speaking to The Indian Express, the Police Commissioner told how he took the case seriously and handed it over to the Crime Branch team.