Mumbai: The look of Ranveer’s upcoming film ‘Dhurandhar’ has been leaked. In this he is seen with long hair and beard and moustache. Ranveer’s look reminded someone of his long-haired look like Khilji in ‘Padmaavat’, while someone felt that Ranveer was following Ranbir after his long-haired look became popular in ‘Animal’.
In this film of ‘Uri’ creator Aditya Dhar, Ranveer is seen in the getup of a Sikh. It is being told that he is playing the role of an agent of the Indian spy agency. There is also discussion that this film is being made through some operation of India’s National Security Advisor Ajit Doval. It is noteworthy that in ‘Uri’ also the character of Paresh Rawal was created taking inspiration from Ajit Doval.