A heart-wrenching incident has come to light from Pandrethan area of Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Late Sunday evening, five members of the same family died of suffocation. The deceased include parents and their three innocent children. The family was a native of Uri in Baramulla district and was living in a rented house in Srinagar.
Found unconscious in room, death confirmed in hospital
All the family members were found unconscious in their room, an official said. He was immediately taken to a nearby health centre, but the doctors there declared him dead. The incident has created a wave of mourning in the area.
Reason for the accident: What was the real cause of death?
According to preliminary investigation, it is being speculated that the family might have used a coal heater or some other device to keep the room warm amid the harsh cold and heavy snowfall. Suffocation due to lack of oxygen in a closed room and poisonous gases emitted from the heater is believed to be the cause of death. However, the police have started investigation to find out the exact reasons behind this tragic incident.
What did the landlord say?
Landlord Mukhtar Ahmed informed about the incident that he had received a call from the relatives of Aijaz (head of the family). Relatives told that Aijaz was not picking up their phone. “I live away from that area, so I asked other tenants to locate Aijaz,” Ahmed said.
He further said, “Despite many efforts the door did not open from inside. “The tenants broke the door and found the entire family inside in an unconscious state.”
The doors and windows were completely closed
According to Mukhtar Ahmed, the family had closed all the doors and windows of the room to avoid the cold. Due to this, there was a shortage of fresh air in the room and the gas from the heater made the situation more serious. This tragedy has shaken the entire area.
Condolences and questions in the area
This accident has put not only the Pandrethan area of Srinagar but the entire area in deep shock. In this season of cold and snowfall, what steps can be taken to prevent recurrence of such incidents, this question is arising in everyone’s mind.
Administration appeals for security
The police and administration have appealed to people to take extra precautions while using appliances like heaters or coal stoves during winter. Using such equipment in closed rooms can prove dangerous. Also, doors and windows should be kept slightly open to ensure adequate flow of oxygen.