Sunday , September 15 2024

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope finds the universe's oldest dead galaxy: Puzzle and new equation for astronomers

Cambridge/Mumbai: The mysteries and wonders of the infinite and strange universe are being revealed. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s most advanced James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered the oldest dead galaxy in the universe.

The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a galaxy named JADES-GS-Z7-01-QU with its state-of-the-art infrared camera, which is the oldest and most extinct galaxy in the universe. An infrared camera so powerful that it can penetrate even the dense clouds of gas and dust swirling in the universe and detect the stars and galaxies behind them.

Astronomer Tobias Loser and his team at the Kavli Institute of Cosmology, Cambridge University, UK, have presented a research paper in the Nature Journal about this strange and extremely mysterious phenomenon of space.

Astronomer Tobias Loser has said in his paper that the universe was in its infancy (13.8 billion years) when the amazing natural process of star birth stopped in this JADES-GS-Z7-01-QU galaxy. That is, when the universe was barely 70 million years old, some mysterious event or process occurred in this galaxy due to which the process of new star formation completely stopped. In fact, every galaxy must have an abundant supply of both hydrogen and helium gases for a new star to be born. Now, when the universe is in its infancy, it should also have an abundant supply of these gases. Tobias Lusser wonders whether this event, which occurred in the early stages of the universe, simply means that we do not yet understand this infinite and vast space. We are still yet to discover and understand the wonders and mysteries of space. This event will be a challenging research and study for astronomers around the world.

Astronomer Tobias Leuser and his colleague Francesco D'Eugenio have also said in their paper that we can see J.W.S.T. can see. Based on the study of any statistical information found by the researcher, it can be said that the process of birth of a new star in this galaxy should have happened in a very short time and that too very fast. The birth of any new star in this galaxy has completely stopped due to some reasons and factors, it is a big puzzle and mystery.

J.W.S.T. Interesting and strange information found also says that when the age of the universe is about three (3) to nine (9) million years, the natural process of new star birth in this galaxy named JADES-GS-Z7-01-QU it occurs. – It happened too fast. It's possible it's there and just as mysteriously stuck.

On the other hand, the world's expert astronomers, based on their extensive research and study, have said that if the galaxy has a supermassive black hole, then it also emits a large amount of radiation. Due to the terrible effect of this amount of radiation, natural gases like hydrogen and helium which are necessary for the birth of a new star in that galaxy are expelled. Just as the water of a river or lake evaporates due to the heat of the sun's extremely bright rays. A river or lake dries up. A similar process must have taken place in this galaxy also. Or it is also possible that the gas surrounding the galaxy is insufficient for the birth of a new star.