Mohini Day: The news of divorce of AR Rahman and Saira Banu has shocked everyone in the industry. Meanwhile, the news of the linkup of bassist Mohini Dey and AR Rahman is also much discussed. Somewhere Mohini Dey is being said to be the reason for AR Rahman’s divorce but this is just a rumour. Now Mohini herself has denied all these rumors and told how is her relationship with Rehman.
He is like my father.
The news of Mohini and AR Rahman’s linkup had created a sensation in the industry, which is completely false. Now Mohini herself has given a strong reply denying this rumour. He shared a video along with a long post on his Instagram and said, ‘I cherish my 8.5 years of working with him in his films, shows etc as a child. He is a legend and he is like a father to me.
attack the media
Mohini wrote in the note – It is completely unbelievable to see misinformation and baseless assumptions/claims against me and AR Rahman. It seems criminal that the media vulgarized both the incidents. It is disappointing to see that people have no respect, no empathy for such emotional matters. It saddens me to see the state of mind of people.
What did Mohini say in honor of AR Rahman?
Talking about AR Rahman, Mohini said, ‘There have been many role models and father-like people in my life who have played an important role in my career and upbringing. My father who taught me everything about music is no more. He passed away last year. Now Ranjit Barot who introduced me to the business, who shaped me and AR Rahman who gave me the freedom to shine in his show. I treasure it and always will.
Special appeal to media and journalists
Mohini ended her speech by appealing to the media and people, ‘Please respect my privacy. Don’t spread such fake news, it will affect my life.