In Kannauj district of Uttar Pradesh, the accused Yusuf, the owner of the salon who used spit to massage customers, has been arrested. After this, a bulldozer was run on his salon. This salon was running in a small lane. Yusuf's salon shop was built illegally on government land. In such a situation, the Nagar Panchayat removed this pressure.
It is worth noting that recently a video of accused Yusuf, who runs a haircut salon, massaging customers with spit went viral. Social media users got angry over this. They went to the police station and lodged a complaint with the police. Then it was found that the video is from Kannuj district. Then the police took immediate action and arrested Yusuf and put him in jail. Now the Nagar Panchayat administration has bulldozed his illegally occupied salon.
The accused was sent to jail
Accused Yusuf had a hair cut salon in Talgram of the district. Here Yusuf was caught using spit while massaging his client's face. This video went viral. People got angry on this. Hindu organizations also expressed anger on this. After which the local police took action and arrested the accused Yusuf and put him in jail.
Former BJP MP from Kannauj Subrat Pathak also reacted to the video of spit massage in the salon. He talked about spit jihad on his social media account regarding this incident. Subrat Pathak wrote that this spit jihad incident is from Talgram of Kannauj. The police will do their job but we have to be careful, this jihadi is not related to anyone.