According to Vedic astrology, a person who is blessed by Venus, the planet of wealth and prosperity, never lacks comforts and luxuries. People who have strong Venus are rich and romantic. The change in the constellation of Venus will have auspicious and inauspicious effects on the zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces. Venus stays in one zodiac sign for 26 days and in one constellation for 11 days.
venus constellation change
According to Drik Panchang, Venus will change its constellation on 1 February after 4 January and 17 January in the year 2025. On Saturday, February 1, at 08:37 am, Saturn will enter Uttarabhadrapad, the 26th constellation out of 28 constellations. Venus, the planet of luxury, wealth and grandeur, will change the lives of 3 zodiac signs with its zodiac change.
The transit of Venus will be auspicious for Aries. Interest in social activities will increase. You will attract people with your words. You will get support from your loved ones. Relationship with spouse will improve. Try to mend broken relationships. Avoid unnecessary stress. The mind will remain happy. Respect may increase in society.
The star change of Venus will be beneficial for Taurus. The coming time will be favourable. There will be economic progress. Employed people may get promotion. You will get success in big projects. There will be opportunities to increase income. The mind will remain happy. The pending work will be completed. There will be happiness in married life.
The change in zodiac sign of Venus will be beneficial for the people of Libra zodiac sign. The economic situation will improve. Mental and physical condition will be better than before. There will be an increase in wealth. Health will be better than before. It will be necessary to control the mind, otherwise problems may increase. If you do a job then you will have a good time. A businessman may make profit.