Many times our expenses increase. Borrowing has to be done to meet household expenses or any unexpected expense and once you get trapped in the debt trap, the debt increases. But we will tell you some astrological solutions which will help you in getting rid of this debt.
Various trees have been given special importance in Hindu religion. There are some measures which can be tried to get freedom from debt. Apart from the remedies of Tulsi, Shami and Peepal tree, remedies of Arjuna bark can also be effective. Today we will tell you about the remedy of Arjuna tree bark which will easily open the way for you to get rid of debt.
bark of arjuna tree
Wrap the bark of the Arjun tree in a red cloth and dedicate it to Goddess Lakshmi on the seat of the puja room of the house. After the puja, wrap the bark of the Arjuna tree in this red cloth and float it in the river water. You will be free from all types of debts. Sprinkle red sandalwood on the bark of Arjuna tree. Then wrap it in a red cloth and keep it in the cupboard or locker of the house. You will be free from the trap of debt. Your health will also improve.
In the evening, burn the bark of Arjuna tree and a piece of camphor together. This will remove negative energy from the house and get rid of the dark shadow of debt. If you are facing repeated losses in business, then wrap the bark of Arjuna tree in a red cloth and tie it around your neck. You will get profit in business and you will be saved from all types of losses.