Nimisha Priya Case: Kerala nurse Nimisha Priya has been sentenced to death in Yemen. Recently news came that the President has also given approval to hang Nimisha in the case of murder of a Yemeni citizen. The Yemeni Embassy clarified that President Rashad Mohammed Al Alimi had not confirmed the sentence. This is because Nimisha is being held in a prison in the capital Sanaa, which is the territory of the Houthi rebels. In such a situation, it does not come under the jurisdiction of the President of Yemen. Only the Houthi administration will decide on Nimisha’s punishment.
The case is pending in the court of Houthi rebels
On Monday, the Yemeni Embassy said, ‘Nimisha’s entire case has been tried in the court of Houthi rebels. Besides, his hanging has also been approved by Houthi Supreme Political Council leader Mehdi Almashat. There is no interference from the President of Yemen in this. The Houthi government has to take the next decision regarding the punishment of Indian nurse Nimisha.
Iran is the last hope
India’s last hope to get pardon for Nimisha’s death sentence from the Houthis is help from Iran. The Houthis fighting Israel and America in the Red Sea have received Iran’s support. In such a situation, Iran’s intervention can be important in this matter. Information about Nimisha’s help from Iran has come to light. A senior Iranian official has said, ‘We will do whatever we can for Nimisha.’
Who is Nimisha?
Nimisha Priya is a resident of Palakkad district of Kerala. He has been in Yemen for more than a decade. Nimisha was accused of murdering a Yemeni national named Talal Mehdi in 2017 and was convicted and sentenced to death in 2018. Since then, efforts are being made to save Nimisha.