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Indian Constitution has a deep connection with Bihar: Abitabh Sinha


East Champaran, November 26 (HS). A program was organized on Constitution Day on Tuesday under the joint aegis of the Department of Political Science and the Department of Gandhi and Peace Studies of Mahatma Gandhi Central University. The chief guest in the program was senior advocate of the Supreme Court. Amitabh Sinha said that the Constitution has a deep connection with Bihar. Dr. Sachidanand Sinha of Bihar established the Constituent Assembly and Dr. Rajendra Prasad became its President.

Emphasizing the principle of balance, he said that it is necessary to follow duties along with rights. Criticizing judicial activism, he gave a message to the citizens to bring positive change. The same special guest, Prof. Ravi Ranjan, Department of Political Science, Zakir Hussain College, Delhi University, described the Constitution as a living document and said that it not only empowers the poor but also prohibits misuse of power.

He stressed the importance of liberty, equality and fraternity provided by the Constitution. While the other special guest, Prof. Dhananjay Kumar Verma, Department of Political Science, Government MLB Girls PG College, Bhopal, rejected calling the Constitution a borrowed bag and said that our tradition and sources have made it rich. He appealed to the citizens to be aware and alert towards the Constitution.

Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. presiding over the program. Sanjay Srivastava described the Constitution as a symbol of India’s thoughts and ideals and called it a sacred document for the nation. He said that Constitution Day is not only an opportunity to understand the Constitution, but is also a day to respect the national duty towards it. The theme of the program is Our Constitution, Our Self-Respect Introduction by Prof. Sunil Mahawar, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences. He discussed the history of the making of the Constitution, the role of Gandhiji and the contribution of the drafting committee formed under the leadership of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. He described the Constitution as a symbol of national pride. The guests were welcomed by Prof. Sarita Tiwari, Head of the Department of Politics, while the vote of thanks was given by Dr. Jugal Kishore Dadhich, Chairman, Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies.