Wednesday , January 8 2025

Home Remedies: The problem of gas and indigestion increases in summer, get quick relief with these easy home remedies

New Delhi: During the summer season, many problems related to digestion often become a cause of trouble. One of these problems is gas formation in the stomach, which is an unpleasant condition that causes swelling and pain in the stomach. This problem often occurs due to wrong eating habits and wrong ways of eating. Consuming soda, chewing gum, smoking, talking while eating or eating too quickly can also cause gas problems.

Apart from this, high fiber foods like broccoli, kidney beans, peas, whole grains etc. can also cause gas problems. Some people may also have gas problems due to milk, curd or cheese. Therefore, they should be consumed in controlled quantities only. Due to food not being digested properly, gas gets trapped in the digestive system, which puts pressure on the digestive system and the problem of gas causes stomach ache. In such a situation, adopt these effective measures to get rid of this pain-

Passing stool while sitting activates the intestinal muscles, due to which gas passes out of the digestive system. It also removes remaining stool, allowing gas to pass freely.

Apple vinegar

This is the easiest and natural way to get rid of gas, bloating and indigestion. For this, mix one spoon apple cider vinegar in hot water and consume it when you feel gas.


Chewing it thoroughly and drinking it mixed with saliva provides relief from gas pain.


Massaging the stomach in circular motion expels gas and provides relief.

walk, walk

Walking relaxes the stomach muscles, which helps in releasing gas.


Balasana, Ananda Balasana are some such yoga asanas, which are especially known to provide relief from gas.

Keep in mind that the problem of mild gas and indigestion can be cured at home, but if home remedies do not provide relief, consult a doctor immediately and take the right medicine.