Indian cricket team's all-rounder Hardik Pandya and his wife Natasha Stankovic have got divorced. While Hardik shared a memorable video on his son's birthday, the actress on the other hand celebrated her son's birthday. Meanwhile, Natasha Stankovic faced heavy trolling, now once again people are discussing that Hardik will get a good partner, this pre-marriage affair of the cricketer has come into discussion.
Before Natasha, Hardik Pandya's name has been linked with 3 models and actresses. However, there were also discussions about Hardik's affair. Hardik was often seen and discussed with these actresses.
Leesha Sharma
Hardik Pandya and Kolkata model Leesha Sharma had an affair. The two were dating each other for a long time. Reportedly, their relationship broke up as both wanted to focus on their respective careers. Hardik publicly dated Kolkata model Leesha Sharma, many pictures of which also went viral on social media.
Eli Avraham
Hardik Pandya also dated Bigg Boss star Elli Avram. Hardik Pandya and Ali Avram also went together to the wedding ceremony. Where Hardik's brother Krunal Pandya also reached. At that time, Hardik's pictures with Elli went viral on social media. He also invited Elli Avram to his brother Krunal Pandya's wedding but still their relationship broke.
isha gupta
Actress Esha Gupta and Hardik Pandya met at a party. Since then, news has been coming that both are dating each other. There were also speculations of romance between Hardik and Esha. However, they kept silence on this matter.
urvashi rautela
Hardik Pandya's name was also linked with Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela. There were rumours that their relationship was very close. Many media reports said that the two were more than friends. Urvashi Rautela, Esha Gupta and Elli Avram are currently active in Bollywood. Leesha Sharma also does modelling.