The network of Sushil Mochi’s gang in Bihar is also connected to the criminal gangs of West Bengal and Jharkhand. More than 100 incidents have taken place in Katihar, Araria and Kishanganj districts of Seemanchal including Purnia. He was an expert in bomb making and eventually it came to light that he died at the hands of the police.
Robber Sushil Mochi was killed
Bihar’s Purnia Police and STF have killed dacoit Sushil Mochi in an encounter. Sushil Mochi has carried out many robbery incidents in Bengal including Purnia, Katihar. The encounter took place late night near Tarabari Ghat in Amour police station area. The police had received intelligence that Sushil was about to carry out some major incident. After this, STF team and police of Angra, Amour police station reached the spot and asked Sushil to surrender, but he started firing targeting the police team.
Sushil started firing
As soon as the dacoit Sushil saw the police team, he started firing. The police also retaliated. Firing continued from both sides for about 10 minutes, then suddenly the firing stopped. After this, the police conducted a search operation in the maize field, where a dead body was found. The body has been identified as Rameshwar Ram Sakin, father of bandit Sushil Mochi.
Reward of Rs 1.50 lakh
Bihar Police had announced a reward of Rs 1.50 lakh on Sushil. After receiving information about the incident, Purna SP Kartikeya Sharma, DIG Pramod Kumar Mandal reached the spot and took information about the incident. FSL team from Purnia reached the spot and collected all the evidence. After this the body has been sent to Purnia for postmortem.
Sushil Mochi was the leader of a gang of 20 dacoits.
The network of Sushil Mochi’s gang is also connected to the criminal gangs of West Bengal and Jharkhand. More than 100 incidents have taken place in Katihar, Araria and Kishanganj districts of Seemanchal including Purnia. However, only 28 cases have been registered in the police station. His gang mostly includes criminals from Bengal. About 20 dacoits were involved in Sushil Mochi’s gang. Most of these dacoits are from Bengal.
he was an expert in making bombs
Sushil Mochi was also an expert in making bombs. If needed while committing a robbery, he would make a bomb on the spot within minutes. It is said that Sushil Mochi used to go empty handed to carry out any incident, so that he would not be caught on the way. But where he had to commit robbery, his gang members already lived as beggars, who handed over weapons to the bandits when they arrived. The deceased was lodged in Katihar jail. Recently he was released from jail and started doing criminal activities. A year ago, Purnia police had also caught his wife with looted goods.