The border dispute between the police of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh has put humanity to shame. The body of a youth killed in a road accident lay on the road for four hours, but the police remained busy in deciding under whose jurisdiction the case fell. Everyone is shocked and angry at this inhuman attitude.
What is the matter?
The incident took place between Harpalpur police station area of Madhya Pradesh and Mahobkanth police station of Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh. The deceased, Rahul Ahirwar, 27, was going to Delhi for labour. While he was crossing the road, an unknown vehicle hit him. Rahul died on the spot in the accident.
Police procrastination at the scene
As soon as the news of the accident was received, a large number of people gathered at the spot and immediately informed the police of Harpalpur police station in Madhya Pradesh. However, Harpalpur police refused to take responsibility saying that the place of accident falls under Mahobkanth police station of Uttar Pradesh.
After this the villagers informed the Mahobkanth police station of Uttar Pradesh. But UP Police also argued that this area comes under Madhya Pradesh. Amidst this mutual tussle, the body remained lying on the road for hours and the police remained missing from the spot.
Villagers’ anger and demonstration
Angered by this indifference of the police, the villagers blocked the road and started protesting. The family of the deceased also reached the spot and accused the police of negligence. In a video, the relatives of the deceased are saying that the incident happened in Madhya Pradesh, but the police is postponing the matter.
The body was picked up after 4 hours
After this drama that lasted for about 4 hours, Madhya Pradesh Police finally reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem. Videos of this incident are going viral on social media, in which family members are complaining about the apathy and threatening attitude of the police.
The family raised questions
Rahul Ahirwar’s family members say that he had gone to Delhi to work as a labourer. She was recently married, and her dreams were still unfulfilled. The family raised questions as to why the police took so long and ignored their plight regarding the border dispute.
late action
A relative of Rahul told that the accident happened around 7 pm, but the police came at 11 pm and started the process of removing the body. The body remained lying on the road for four hours and the police did not show any promptness in fulfilling their responsibility.
Public outrage and demand
This incident has spread anger in the entire area. Villagers and family members have demanded that action be taken against the guilty police officers and the vehicle that caused the collision should be traced and its driver arrested.