Friday , March 7 2025

Do you know how useful 100 grams of green vegetables are?


You may be the type of person who falls in love with this Nagekkai Sambar. But you will be surprised to see so many health benefits hidden in this Nage soup. Never forget to take advantage of the presence of the Nage tree in your home. Because this green leafy vegetable has the solution to many problems hidden in it.

The leaves, nuts and flower buds of the nutmeg tree are all beneficial for health in some way or the other. Consuming the leaves of the nage, in particular, can provide medicinal effects in many problems. Some people believe that nage is a magical green due to its special medicinal properties.

The leaves of the nutmeg tree have not only been used for cooking but have also been used in Ayurvedic medicine in India since ancient times. People suffering from indigestion or stomach pain get a lot of relief by consuming nutmeg. It is said that its consumption gives a very good health to the skin and also makes digestion easy.

So in which medicine do we use this herb, what are its benefits? Let us get interesting information like how to use it.

green leafy vegetable juice

The immune system of our body protects us from all diseases. Thus, vitamin C, which is essential for the body to boost immunity, is present in this green leafy green. So as soon as you wake up in the morning, put Nugge Soppi in the mixer jar and drink the juice.

This is a surefire cure for anemia

Kale is rich in iron, which makes it an important home remedy for anemia. Drinking nugge sopi juice mixed with a little jaggery will cure your anemia. Along with this, it also helps in bone development. It is high in calcium and is very good for bone health

Plenty of vitamin A

Kale contains more vitamin A than you can imagine. In this nugge soup, you get the same amount of vitamin A as you would get by eating 100 grams of raw carrots. It also contains beta carotene. If you eat nugge soppu daily, your eyesight will also improve.

100 grams of Nagge is a panacea for everything

Now in just 100 grams of greens you will get all the essential elements for your daily life. Specifically, 100 grams of green vegetables provide 90 calories of energy, 7 grams of protein and 220 milligrams of vitamin C. This means that in an orange you will get only 70 milligrams of vitamin C, but in 100 grams of greens you will get more than that. Also, 215 milligrams of potassium will be found in this 100 grams. So, turmeric is really beneficial for you to control your BP. It also helps in losing weight as it is low in calories.
