Moradabad, July 16 (HS). Due to technical problem in printing of driving license, DL of five thousand applicants could not be printed in the district. Due to this, applicants will have to wait for one month for DL. The Transport Department has made other works including driving license online for driving a vehicle.
RI Hariom of the Transport Department told on Tuesday that DL is printed in Lucknow. There was a technical problem in printing here, which has now been fixed. DL printing has started. Soon the pending DLs will start reaching the applicants' homes. Every day about 100 applicants are coming to the Driving Training Institute on Kanth Road to give the driving license test. Here, the applicants who pass the test, their DL is made online. After this, DL is printed in Lucknow and reaches people's homes within a week.
Driving licenses are not being printed for about one and a half months. Because of technical problems in printing, data is not able to go into the chit. Due to non-printing, DLs of five thousand applicants of the district are stuck. Candidates first apply online for DL on the Sarathi portal. After this, they give the test by getting biometric done at the driving training institute.