Navjot Singh Sidhu, in a conversation with Sports Today, shared his views on the batting technique and form of Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma. Sidhu said, “One who has scored 80 centuries and is close to scoring 10,000 runs, does not need to take advice from anyone. Virat will go home and watch videos of his game and understand that his bat is playing away from his body. He will find the solution himself. Same thing is with Rohit also.”
Sidhu further said, “It is useless to compare the technique of Rohit Sharma and Virat. He only has to focus on his fitness. He is a fantastic player. We all know that as a human being he too is struggling. I probably spoke to Rohit for only 20 minutes during the IPL. Today he could not play well against Australia, but in the T20 World Cup he hit three sixes in Mitchell Starc’s over. Have we all forgotten him? The more he practices, the better he will get.”
Rohit Sharma has been able to score only 164 runs in the last 15 innings, and questions are also being raised on his captaincy. The 0-3 defeat against New Zealand and 1-3 defeat against Australia have made their situation more challenging. At the same time, Virat Kohli scored a century in the first Test in Perth, but could only score 85 runs in the next four Test matches, while the bowlers took full advantage of his weakness outside the off-stump.