New Delhi: Devendra Jhajharia, who won two gold medals in the Paralympics, was unanimously elected President of the Paralympic Committee of India (PCI) on Saturday. All the new officials were elected unopposed. PCI elections were held for the posts of President, two Vice-Secretaries, General Secretary, Treasurer, two Joint Secretaries and five Executive Committee members. Earlier, eight candidates had filed their nomination papers for the post of five executive committee members, but later three of them withdrew their nomination papers. To complete the formalities in this regard, Returning Officer Umesh Sinha handed over election certificates to all the new office bearers under the leadership of Jhajharia. Goa's international coach and referee Jaywant Hamanwar was elected unopposed as general secretary. R Chandrashekhar and Satya Prakash Sangwan would be the two vice-presidents, while Sunil was the only candidate for the post of president-treasurer. Lalit Thakur and T Diwakar are the two joint secretaries.
Newly appointed president Devendra Jhajharia said India will aim to win 30 medals at the Paris Paralympics, which is 11 more than the number won in Tokyo. India won a total of 19 medals including five gold, eight silver and six bronze medals at the 2021 Tokyo Paralympic Games. In these games, Jhajharia had won the silver medal in javelin throw. Jhajharia said that our target in the Paris Paralympic Games will be to win more medals than the 19 medals won in Tokyo. This time 30 par. He said that we performed well in the Rio Paralympics in 2016 and won 19 medals in Tokyo. We showed that India is progressing rapidly in para sports. If India wins 30 medals in Paris Paralympics, it will be included in the top 10 countries.