Some girl students of a private engineering college in Medchal, near Hyderabad, have alleged that the cooking staff filmed them in the hostel toilet. Subsequently, two people have been arrested for ‘voyeurism’. A case was registered against seven people, including the principal, director and chairman of the college, following protests against the incident in the college on January 1 and 2. These include the two arrested accused.
Based on the complaint of the girl students, a case has been registered in Medchal police station under POCSO Act and other related sections. During the investigation, the police arrested two 20-year-old men, who are accused of peeping into the toilets of girl students. According to the police officer, one of these persons is a cook’s assistant. Both the accused have been sent to judicial custody.
A release issued by the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate said that it has been proved that the two accused targeted the hostel girls when they were using the toilet.
Police said that when the victims reported the incident, the hostel warden acted negligently and deliberately avoided taking the matter to the police or the victims’ parents. The Principal, Director and Chairman put pressure on the Warden not to let the incident come to light in order to protect the reputation of the college, but the authorities concerned showed no interest in reporting the matter, which emboldened the two accused.